Friday, January 29, 2010

Alabama Boy(s)

Courtesy of Aunt Laura, Leyton and Redding are Alabama boys! I worked very hard to get the a good picture of Redding in his shirt. Leyton, well, I was not even successful at getting him in it today. When he has his mind set on what he is wearing, there is no changing it!
Evidently, they are simulating the game. This is a VERY common sight in my house...

Sack the Quarterback!

Winter Blues

It has been a long winter. And it is not over yet. We are trying to beat the winter blues with a family outing on Tuesday nights. We are really enjoying getting out during the week and breaking up the routine. We took Leyton bowling last week and he loved it. By the end, he was pretty tired though.

The pictures are a little dark because I took them on my iPhone. Leyton had a 6 lb. ball and he was pretty good at getting it to the lane. However, pre-bumpers, he got the ball stuck in the gutter...twice.

He still almost beat me.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Household rules

ME: "Leyton, who made this mess?"
LEYTON: "Leyton"
ME: "Who should clean it up then?"
LEYTON: "Mommy"
ME: "No. We are making a new rule. Whoever makes mess a must also clean it up"
LEYTON: "No. I don't like that. I make mess, Mommy clean it up. Redding make mess, Mommy clean it up"
ME: "Should Daddy clean up his own mess?"
LEYTON: "No, Mommy. That silly. You clean his too"

Yeah, we need to work on this one.

"Bring me a cold one from the fridge, will you? I would prefer the orange-carrot juice box. Oh, yeah, please"

Friday, January 8, 2010

A Blogging Resolution

I am not sure how people do it. Well, I am not sure how mom's do it. I can't figure out how mom's keep their blog up-to-date. However, I am going to give it a try. Once a week is my blogging goal. Feel free to hold me accountable.

Since I have not blogged since September, I shall try to recap the time that has passed...

Dennis is now Dr. Thomas. The completion of his doctorate in August was a proud moment for us all. Our purpose for moving to Connecticut was completed but we will still be hanging around for a little while longer. Jobs, house, etc. We have to de-root ourselves before escaping to a warmer region of this country. Leyton is now a full blown little boy. No babies here. He is a hoot. Completely potty trained and able to carry on a conversation with a wall, using big words, including "actually", "unacceptable", "holy moly" and "goodness gracious". Everyday something about him amazes me. He is a character, in the best of ways. He enjoyed Christmas and still asks everyday when Santa is coming to visit him again. Santa brought him a new train set and many things Lightening McQueen.

He also has a flare for the dramatic. After his haircut the other day, he cried and pleaded in the car "I want my hair back. Give me my hair back".

Leyton also has to pick out his own clothes, which makes for some interesting mornings...

Redding is now referred to as "Redzilla" by Leyton. He is trying his best to keep up with Leyton. Crawling and pulling up, babbling and clapping, he is trying to apply for college already. He has 5 teeth, 2 which he cut on Christmas day (he is using them well)! We were tired of the ear infections and Redding had tubes placed in his ears (and a frenulectomy to correct his ankyloglossia at the same time) in November. He seems much happier now. Well, at least we are since we are not running to the pediatrician with an ear infection all the time.

As busy as things are, we couldn't be happier. Well, maybe if we were millionaires...