Saturday, July 17, 2010

Mimi and Geep Visit OR "Geep broke it"

Geep and Redding
Mimi and Redding
Mimi and her boys
Geep, Mimi, and the boys
Thomas Gang
Thomas Men
Yep, that is Mimi, holding tight. In her defense, the dock was rocking.
(This picture was taken right before we were kicked off the dock because it is "private".
I guess we didn't look rich enough to have a boat slip there.
Considering there were million dollar boats here, I guess they were right!)
We always love having visitors! Mimi and Geep came up and stayed with us for 9 days and, I think, we wore them out! The boys had such a good time playing and enjoying their grandparents, as all kids should. Mimi and Geep braved the aquarium, the children's museum, and EVEN Toys-R-Us alone with the boys.
I had eye surgery the week before (just an enhancement for my prior epi-lasik procedure. Noting major) and it was very nice to have a chauffeur (Thanks, Geep) to and from work.

I was extremely spoiled while they were here and enjoyed not having laundry OR dishes (or pretty much any other housework, for that matter) to do. It kind of felt like I had a housekeeper AND a Nannie. Wow, I could have gotten used to that! Geep even cleaned the washer and dryer (which I don't think I have ever done).

Thanks for visiting, Mimi and Geep! We love you and can't wait to see you at the beach!

Oh, and Geep, we are STILL finding things that you broke. Just the other day, you broke the blinds again...

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