Sunday, February 19, 2012

They say it's your birthday...

NASCAR/HotWheels themed birthday party. 
Leyton (the masked man) and Redding enjoying their birthday table

Pit Stop!

The boys and Geep

Make A Wish!


We played a little "pin the tail on the donkey"

We had a pinata!

Present Time!

Being that it was February, we decided to have the boys birthday party at our house.  The weather was nice so we were able to play a few games on our screened in porch.  We had about 10 kids in attendance and that was just enough.  We played games, had a pinata, and ate. 

The boys had a great time and really enjoyed having all their friends at their house.  We had their trains set up in the playroom and some of the kids played in there for a while while the others played basketball on the porch.  We also did a craft.  I purchased little wooden cars at Michael's and we colored them.  The kids took those home as part of their treat bags.  We still have them out decorating our living room.

The day was busy but fun was had. 

They are officially 3 and 5. 

Well, after the 22nd. 

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