Sunday, July 19, 2009


I have to say, I was really worried about having another baby. I was worried how Leyton would react. I was worried he would hate him, hate me. I felt guilty.
Really guilty.

Now, I don't think he remembers life before Redding now.
Are things perfect? No. Are they better than I expected. Without a doubt.

Leyton is such a great brother. If Redding is crying, Leyton rushes to his side to see if he can help. "It's OK Redding. I here", Leyton says to him.

Redding will just laugh and laugh at him. It is hilarious how fascinated Redding is with Leyton.

Of course, I have to watch Leyton closely with Redding because he doesn't understand the things that can hurt him. For instance today, Leyton was hammering things (the carpet, the wall, cars, etc.) with his plastic hammer. Suddenly, Redding starts crying. When I arrive, Leyton is petting Redding and saying "it OK Redding, shake it off". When I asked what happened, Leyton said "I hammer him. He no like it".

Time out.

Like Yo Gabba Gabba might say..."Don't hammer your brother".

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