Thursday, July 9, 2009

Leyton the Entertainer

The boys have been so cute lately, that I wanted to give them each their own posting to show off some of their cuteness.

Leyton is talking up a storm, I don't think he stops talking. And singing. His favorite right now is "The Black-Eyed Peas" song "Boom Boom Pow". HILARIOUS!

He also likes the traditional toddler songs. The itsy-bitsy spider, ABC song, Baa Baa Black Sheep, Hokey poky, etc. He is quite the entertainer.

His first love, next to mommy, of course: GOLF! Give him a golf club and he is entertained for HOURS (well, at least many minutes). He can watch it on TV, play it, talk about. Anything related to golf and he is happy.

We did have a mishap the other day when Leyton neglected to put his putter back in the correct spot. This resulted in the putter being ran over and broken by the van. Yikes. I have never seen him so sad in his life. He didn't throw a tantrum, he mostly whimpered and poked out his bottom lip. I almost cried! Of course, Daddy went to the golf shop later in the day and bought him a new putter. Though not until he thought Leyton had learned from the situation.

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