Friday, July 24, 2009

A few Leyton-isms...

In the cart at Wal-Mart, with "my" vitamin waters.Seemingly his favorite place to nap


Just a few things I never want to forget...

  • For some reason, Leyton has developed a habit of dipping his food in his water cup. It used to bother me but then I decided it was better that he dipped his peas in water and eat them rather than him not eat them at all.

  • The other day we were riding down the road and I heard him saying "off hair off'". When I looked back, he was attempting to pull the hair off his legs. "I no like it mommy. Pull hair off".

  • His favorite thing to say, "more, do it again, more, do it again"

  • He has taken up a bit of Spanish, from both his teachers at school and from watching Diego/Dora. He says "cuidado" when driving next to trucks on the highway, he also counts to 10 in Spanish (18 in English), he knows a few colors, and a few random words here and there. It is really cute.

  • He walked into the kitchen the other day with a basket and said "I go on berry hunt. I not scared. What a boooootifull day"

  • Ah, pooping. He now gets a golf ball when he goes "stinky" in the potty, rather than his underwear. He has gotten one golf ball so far. I don't understand why the pooping is so difficult to accomplish. He is peeing in the potty just great. Oh well. In due time.

  • Dennis was out-of-town for a week recently. Leyton missed him so much. Every night, he would ask for Daddy. When we would go somewhere, he would ask if we were going to eat lunch with Daddy. One night at dinner, he saved a bite of chicken on his fork for him. He kept saying "no eat it Mommy. No eat it Leyton. It for Daddy". Too cute.

  • Chatter, chatter, chatter. I need to say no more.

  • Leyton learns songs very easily. He walks around singing the Black Eyed Peas all the time and "Monster Boogie" and "Boinga". He must know 30 songs or so. It is too cute to hear him sing. At School they learned the song: "I love Jesus, I love Jesus. He's my friend. Ahhhmen, Ahhhmen". Adorable.

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